Jim legde zijn hand op zijn borst.

Jim legde zijn hand op zijn borst."

Jim legde zijn hand op zijn borst.
"Wie bent u, oude man?"
"Ik ben Matąnebı́, son of Akaitcho."
Patrick schrok. Hij had de naam gehoord. Matanebi was gids geweest van Samuel Hearne, de ontdekkingsreiziger. Hij wist echter niet het fijne van de geschiedenis.
"Wat brengt u hier?" vroeg Matanebi.
"Wij zoeken caribou."
"Die zijn naar het noorden getrokken. De wolven hebben hun gelederen uitgedund."
"Waarom bent u hier, Matanebi, son of Akaitcho?"
De oude man bewoog heel even zijn hoofd.
"Mijn geest vind geen rust op aarde, want ik heb een ernstig verraad gepleegd."
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Resultaten (Engels) 1: [Kopiëren]
Jim put his hand on his chest."Who are you, old man?""I am Matąnebı́, son of Akaitcho."Patrick was shocked. He had heard the name. Samuel Hearne's Guide was Matanebi been, the Explorer. He knew not, however, the fine of history."What brings you here?" asked Matanebi."We are looking for caribou.""That are drawn to the North. The wolves have thinned their ranks. ""Why are you here, Matanebi, son of Akaitcho?"The old man was moving for a moment his head."My mind find no rest on Earth, because I have a serious betrayal committed."
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Engels) 2:[Kopiëren]
Jim put his hand on his chest.
"Who are you, old man?"
"I'm Matąnebı, son of Akaitcho."
Patrick was shocked. He had heard the name. Matanebi was guide of Samuel Hearne, explorer. However, he did not know the fine of history.
"What brings you here?" asked Matanebi.
"We look for caribou."
"They are drawn to the north. The wolves have thinned their ranks."
"Why are you here, Matanebi, son of Akaitcho?"
The old man moved briefly his head.
"My mind find no peace on earth, because I have committed a serious betrayal. "
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Engels) 3:[Kopiëren]
jim put his hand on his chest."who are you, old man?""i'm matąnebı́, son of akaitcho."patrick was shocked. he had heard the name. matanebi guide was samuel hearne, the explorer. however, he did not have the history."what brings you here?" early matanebi."we're looking for caribou.""who are drawn to the north. the wolves have thinned their ranks. ""why are you here, matanebi, son of akaitcho?"the old man moved his head for a moment."my mind is no peace on earth, because i have a serious committed treason."
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
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